
The site owner “Help Save Japanese Modern Architecture”✸(“we”) will always take the utmost care
to protect your privacy so that you can sign our petition with the assurance that it is safe to do so.
We take the responsibility of protecting your privacy very seriously and we will treat your personalinformation accordingly.
The following is the privacy protection policy of our site.

✷Our group's name in Japanese is: “Ikashite Nokosou Nihon No Kenchikubutsu No Kai”

Your Personal Information

Our purpose is to submit petition signatures to the following authorities asking them to immediatelyhalt
and reconsider the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music renovation project:

The Ministry of the Environment
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
The Aichi Prefectural Government
The Public University Corporation
The Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music

As a general rule we will use your private information only for the above- stated purpose and only to
the above-stated authorities.

Our Treatment of Your Personal Information and the Reason for it

In order to administer our web site, we must record the IP address of your computer.
The purposes of recording your IP address on our web server are the following:
* To protect against illegal access to the site.
* If the server crashes, to find the cause and to correct it promptly.
* To manage the web site safely.

We will not link your IP address to your given information nor reveal either of them.
We will check the access record of our site but we will not use it nor release it to the public.
However, in the following cases we reserve the right to track down the person in question and take necessary measures:

* If we judge that the person who has submitted the petition signature is in need of protection.
* If we receive a request from the judicial authorities to pass on relevant information.

About SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

Your information will reach us protected by the SSL encryption system only when you use a browserable to support SSL.

The Full Exercise of the Law

We reserve all rights to the information on our site. If we find activities which may cause damage to
any of those who have submitted their information to us or which might damage the information itself,
we will take whatever measures are allowed us by Japanese or foreign law.